Elvis Book Updates 2024
Only mayor updates will be mentioned here.
Adding books and book info is a continuous ongoing process.
Updates to the website appear on a weekly basis.
Keep an eye on the "Page updated" at the bottom of each page to see when the page was last changed.
29 June 2024
Labels are added to the left menu and the pages to notify you of the last updates.
This might help you to spot recent updates between all the information.
They will be shown for approximately a week to prevent cluttering of too many labels.
After that period only the last update date will remain in the left menu.
Labels for the pages "news", "updates" and "inprint" always refer to the current year.
General updates and textual changes will not be marked.
The last update of a page is always shown at the bottom of each page.
They can be of a later date than the label if I made some minor change(s) to the page.
Depending on your browser's settings, in rare cases you might be looking at old labels.
This means your browser takes the old pages stored on your local device and not the updated ones from the internet.
To prevent this as much as possible I configured the internet server as to take always the page from the internet.
In most cases a reload of the page or a restart of the browser will help.
If you browser remains stubborn you can also try to delete it's file cache on your device.
Most browsers have a setting for that.
Otherwise just wait till your browser feels it's time to fetch a new page from the internet.