Elvis Presley


A Life in Books
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Elvis Book News 2023


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August 18, 2023

A pre-notice:

The website of "Elvis Presley: A Life In Books" will migrate its contents from the "old" website address:
to the new website address:
at some date in the near future.

When a date for the migration is set, an official and more prominent notice will appear on this website at least 2 months ahead.

The structure of the website, page layout and content will not change, just the website address.

I am aware of implications for your current links, bookmarks and references to this website.
By allowing you sufficient time to make changes to your links and bookmarks, hopefully your transition will go smooth.

From now on both the websites vnhouten.home.xs4all.nl and elvisbooks.nl have the same content and are updated in parallel.

For future reference, you can already point your links and bookmarks to the new location: elvisbooks.nl ...IMAGE

Thanks for visiting "Elvis Presley: A Life In Books" and keep reading!

For the complete release schedule of 2023 see Books in print.

The news sections from previous years are kept for your reference and historic reasons.
They are not updated anymore except to match the overall layout of the website.
Be aware that some links and references in the news sections may not be functional anymore.

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Page updated: Monday, June 24, 2024