Elvis Presley: A Life in Books
A reference guide to find your way in the ever-growing Elvis-literature.
books and publications are listed.
Elvis books and
Elvis-related books )
The website layout is structured like a 'real' book, with the
main front page,
an introduction (this intro page),a table of contents (left menu),
the body part with the book collection and some closing pages.
All pages can be accessed through the menu on the left.
The latest news
will be added as soon as it comes to my ears or eyes.
This website has updates on a regular basis.
The bookshelf can be sorted by
ISBN and
Detailed information about each book is placed on a book info card
(an example, enable javascript!).
Books in Print lists all books scheduled for release.
Publications of some selected authors can be found in the section authors.
Special topics are highlighted in the section
A blog was started too.
Looking for a book description or review you can't find on these pages?
Some excellent links are provided too.
Lost track of a certain page?
Go to the sitemap for the full table of contents and some more background info about the pages.
A condensed sitemap also exists.
To search for specific keywords on this site you can use site search.
If you would like to submit a review, have news, links, comments or have
questions, please contact me.
And finally the inevitable disclaimer.
Happy reading!