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I Grew Up With Elvis
Anderson, Nancy ; Archard, Armand ; Gleaves, Cliff, McGuire ; Wood, Anita (2016)

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
paperback , 48 pages
ISBN-10: 1-5330-2759-5 , ISBN-13: 978-1-5330-2759-7

Category: No category
Language: English
Description: The stories in this book are a reprint of and first appeared in the pages of "Movieland" or "Movieland and TV Time" magazine while Elvis was at his peak of popularity; subsequently they were included in 1960's "The Elvis Presley Story." Those closest to Elvis - his girlfriend, his cousin, his best friend - recount their most special memories of the King. Includes: "What It's Like to Date Elvis" (by Armand Archerd), "My Memories of Elvis - From Dates to Draft" (by Cliff Gleaves), "The Day Elvis Made Me Cry" (by Anita Wood), "I Laughed at Elvis Until . . ." (by Jack McGuire), "I Grew Up with Elvis" (by Nancy Anderson).
Source: Amazon
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

Last update: Thursday August 1, 2024 ; Elvis Presley: A Life in Books © 2002-2024